The Drug Abuse Prevention Coalition mainly focuses projects on marijuana use and prescription medication abuse prevention. These substances are targeted because a community needs assessment from 2011-2012 showed growing issues in our community around these substances. Emerging drug use trends, such as synthetic cannabinoids, are also addressed as the need arises.
Recent Facts About Drug Usage In Campbell County
Campbell County 12th graders, on how many occasions did you use marijuana in your lifetime?
- 0 occasions: 62.18%
- 1 to 2 occasions: 8.01%
- 3 to 5 occasions: 5.45%
- 6 to 9 occasions: 2.88%
- 10 to 19 occasions: 2.88%
- 20 to 39 occasions: 5.13%
- 40+ occasions: 13.46%
Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment 2020
Campbell County All High School students, during the past 30 days have you used prescription drugs not prescribed to you?
- Yes: 6.1%
- No: 93.9%
Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment 2020
Campbell County All High School students, during your lifetime on how many occasions have you used cocaine or crack?
- 0 occasions: 96.34%
- 1 to 2 occasions: 2.03%
- 3 to 5 occasions: 0.41%
- 6 to 9 occasions: 0.27%
- 10 to 19 occasions: 0.14%
- 20 to 39 occasions: 0.14%
- 40+ occasions: 0.68%
Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment 2020
Monitoring the Future Survey
National Youth Statistics (2019)

In Wyoming, the death rate due to opioid overdoses is 8.1 per 100,000 people, almost 60% higher than it had been a decade prior, according to the Wyoming Prevention Depot.
Local & National Resources
We have gathered a number of resources help you have those tough conversations about mental health and suicide prevention.