Building a safe and more resilient community

Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention

Healthy and productive communities start with healthy and productive people. We want to support the Converse County community with proactive solutions to reduce substance use and abuse as well as suicide

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Commit to the enhancement of community health and safety with a primary focus on substance abuse and suicide prevention for Converse County youth, families, and adults.


To be Converse County’s resource for substance abuse and suicide prevention in support of a safe and healthy community.

Our Goals

  1. Promote public action and policies that provide funding and support for evidence-based programs related to substance use and suicide prevention, reduction, and intervention;
  2. Establish and strengthen collaborations that support our mission and vision;
  3. Reduce substance abuse and suicide by addressing risk and protective factors in the community;
  4. Assess the needs, resources, and services related to substance abuse and suicide present in the community for the purpose of developing effective strategies;
  5. Promote and advocate for public action and protective policies that reduce the harms associated with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
  6. Increase community awareness of the scope and nature of substance use problems and suicide; and how to effectively address them through outreach programs.